Every once in a while planets play musical chairs and instantly, everything starts to look and feel different. This is one of those landmark months where you may be astonished to see that happen. After October is over, you will shift your priorities away from career concerns - which have consumed you lately - and toward fun, friends, and romance. Your career will not suffer from emphasizing your private life. Over past months you've given your career so much attention that it has been at the neglect of almost everything else. Let the ventures you've put in motion move forward now at their own pace while you turn your gaze in another direction.
The first two weeks will be excellent for making family, home, and other property decisions. Throughout September, Mercury was retrograde and not the time to commit to any long-term decisions. By now Mercury has moved direct, so it is safe for you to act. With your ruling planet Mars still brightening your home sector during October's first half, you can be twice as productive with home and family-related matters now. Aim to be finished by October 15.
One or both of your parents may have been on your mind too, and if so, you will feel better about that situation after Mars moves off your fourth house - October 16. I cannot see everything in your natal chart from where I sit, so if you have had an argument with a parent (hope not, but if so) it may be that Mars was in harsh angle to other natal planets in your chart. Again, after October 15 things will be better. Mars is your ruler, so while everyone will feel a shift, the move of Mars to another place will have a much greater effect on you.
Mars will move into your house of new love/true love, not for the typical 7-week stay, but for nearly 8 months - from October 16, 2009, until June 7, 2010. While Mars will be moving at a much quicker speed this coming spring (for those readers living "down under," in your winter), you will still have an excellent chance to enjoy romance now through early December. If you are not dating, you may have a fateful meeting soon and have even more chances to socialize and find a perfect romantic partner for you in the New Year. Attached? You'll enjoy quality time with your partner and doing so will help you reignite your relationship in an exceptional warm and wonderful way.
You apparently are serious about shaping your private life to the way you had always hoped it to be, for Saturn, the planet of maturity, will move into your marriage sector on October 29 for a three-year stay. In that time, you won't be as willing to date only for fun, but you will also want to see that your romantic partner has long-term potential for a commitment. If you feel this person does not, you'll quickly move on to another. Under this trend, you'll have to be sure the partner is as presented. Proceed slowly before you get involved. If you undertake marriage between now and October 2012, you will enter into it with great seriousness and awareness, a good sign, for that attitude will increase your chances of success.
If you are already wed, Saturn's move into this house indicates a change is about to take place, and you will be challenged to renew your commitment. You will need to reinvent your relationship, and Saturn will give you several clues about how to do that.
In all, you have an exciting journey ahead, one that will leave you with a private life that truly nurtures you.