Saturday, May 23, 2009

memorial day weekend.

it rained for the better part of the day and i had to work overtime hours and i received a scary looking letter in the mail that i've been selected for jury duty. i was completely unproductive at work and listened to jose gonzalez's song "heartbeats" on repeat. one of the most beautiful songs. no one else was in the office. no real work actually got done, and i don't know how to explain the large chunk of lost time. it just... happened.

i viewed the inside layout of the book and submitted the edits to agatha tonight; it should be good to send out for publishing tomorrow or monday! it was an amazing experience to see the poems in real book format. heart, soul, and 3 years of my life have been channeled into this one paperback book, and it's opened some old wounds as i reflect on the people who have touched my past. i can't believe i'm sitting here staring off into night time space thinking, "what next?" next i think is writing my memoir/novel, the one i've forever been procrastinating on completing, and making enough paintings to put on an art show with other artists somewhere in a public space. thinking: lots of art, people, and wine.

a couple of years ago, i was invited by e. to see an art show that two of her friends were having at a gallery where i later modeled nude for the man who owned it (ha). i believe it was called "the red slip project." the photographer had photographed many different people wearing the red slip, and the painter had a collection of her brilliant paintings upstairs. i remember being blown away by talent. i definitely feel the desire to become more active in the artist community. i've been hiding out in the shadows for a long time talking about creating but not creating seriously in the open.

enough talk of art. my house is a bit of a mess and i'm exhausted. good night....

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