some powerful images came on of thousands of gay right activists gathering across the nation to protest prop. 8. the flood of straight and glbt people uniting almost brought tears to my eyes. canada happily reports that nothing bad has happened since the legalization of same-sex marriage and i have faith that our nation will legalize same-sex marriages within the next 10-15 years. we are continually moving toward positive social change. we will change the laws and the conservatives who are so "terrified" of change will see that there was nothing to fear, except for maybe their own hatred and ignorance.
everyone deserves equal treatment under the law.
i stayed up late working on revisions for the poetry book. next is tackling the cover design, the final piece i need before i can send it out to the press. i suppose it is a distraction from the job search. i'm beginning to fear that i will not have a job for months on end. i have not been able to bring myself to begin another job application today. i've applied to about 30 different jobs in the past month and have not received a single phone call. i know it takes time. i know there are many other people out there competing for the exact same few positions.
the spark in my day is seeing mia kirshner read at bookpeople tonight.
a photograph to hope.......

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