Saturday, September 5, 2009

Roommate is out of town for Labor Day weekend, and I have the house to myself with the two cats. I need to clean from top to bottom and wash the mountain of laundry. Boring details I won't bother you with. FALL is around the corner, even though it is still 98 degrees outside. I'm asking a friend (Liz?) to come over soon to advise me on planting a fall vegetable garden behind the house. There is already a sizable raised plot of soil near the drive way. I'm thinking about planting cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, spinach, pumpkins, squash, and eggplants. I'm set to get dirty. Yesterday was the last day of work at The Company, my last day of ever working for Corporate America in an office. I'm officially a FREELANCE WRITER, occasional ENGLISH TUTOR, and laying down the roots for a LANDSCAPE DESIGN business, which is what I would like to be doing mostly full time in the future. I'm scared, self-doubting, yet glowing with happiness about this major transition. I celebrated with sangria and a plate of French bread and cheese with D. at the East Side Show Room. Then I read my September horoscope, and now I'm more terrified. It said that my career sector is going to be tough until January when the planet Saturn, ruler of discipline, exits that part of my chart. I wanted to read that September marks a point of good fortune and that I will have smooth sailing from here on out. I should edit my horoscope...

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