Monday, December 22, 2008

arts & crafts.

another sun-less, winter day blog post at a coffee house. family left town. they gave me a beautiful journal and a fat red candle. mmm. candles. last year i was crafty enough to make homemade candles. i got the inspiration from an article in BUST magazine. making your own candles is actually quite simple and fun. go to a craft store and purchase wax, dyes, fragrances, and wicks. you can use old milk cartons or re-use old candle containers for molds. one neat effect is adding ice when you pour the wax in. there is also glitter! i also made chocolate truffles to give as gifts and decorative, tinfoil boxes. then i made xerox copied books of my first poetry collection to give out. it was more like a first draft. this past year i've greatly expanded on and edited the collection. a local publishing company got back to me today about their interest in possibly publishing my work. i was ecstatic that they would even be interested. so. maybe i won't have to self-publish, which would be fantastic. my poetry needs a home. most poets out there choose to self-publish their collections, and only some are lucky enough to garner the interest of a major publishing company- that is most often after the poet has been published in a prestigious journal or has other books on the market. there is not a huge demand for poetry books, unless perhaps you are dead and become suddenly famous.

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