Thursday, January 15, 2009


a cold front came in last night. rumor was the temperature dropped to 20F in the morning. i wouldn't know because i was sound asleep. still not feeling the greatest. cedar fever is in full season. agatha is coming over to visit tonight. we're drinking a bottle of wine together. it will probably be too cold to sit out on the balcony unless we want to freeze. like i've said before anything below 70F is cold. i simply cannot survive in the northern climate. it is a medically proven fact that your blood actually thins after living in a warm place for over a year.

jess is feeling much, much better after the car wreck of last week. we're having coffee tomorrow afternoon and she's taking photos of me (for my book). she was the one who told me about this "saturn return." wtf are you talking about? i said. i did extensive research on the interwebs and discovered that i indeed am living amid this crisis period. relationships come to an end; people experience an identity crisis; you might lose your job; old ways of existing break down; you might have a melt down. a week after i turned 28 in april relationships started going to hell. i.e. falling out with j and horribleness with my ex. i then lost my job in october. it has been one of the most challenging years i have lived through, but! these experiences have strengthened me. positive things are resulting from being forced to change. i've been transformed, reformed, enlightened. my work with writing is close to being rewarded. 1.5 more years to go before saturn exits my astrological chart. i have a feeling that the worst is probably over with. or at least i hope. i've been through enough.

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